Data Components Software Development
Costa 0.8.0

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Author: Jacob Palm
Year: 2005
Version: 0.8.0
Status: In Development...
Reviewed by: Todd


Truly, this is one of the best QBasic GUIs you can find and one of the best QBasic GUIs ever! Costa, although still in development, is very fast and quick, very stable, and very interesting. The GUI is built off of several different programs to help keep it stable, and the GUI and its programs are very light (under 100K/program)! The program manager (a.k.a. desktop) is interesting since the icons can be moved by simply right clicking and then clicking again to place it in its new position. The GUI also has themes!!! Unlike most GUIs, Costa has 4 different themes: Costa, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and MacOS 1.1 . The themes can be selected by editing the user profiles in Costa. The GUI hasn't any glitches so far, but some programs are missing and the scripting language will be in the "Deluxe Edition" (reference for more info). Overall, Costa has made much progress, and Jacob says that he works on Costa "almost every day", so you can see how much time has been put into this GUI! This is very much well worth a download!

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